Septemberthe22nd – Happy Birthday To Me …

Septemberthe22nd, the day it all started in 1982 and today, 22 odd years after that fateful day I have come so far and yet I have got so much to travel. As a very good friend would say “Miles to go before I sleep”.

Talking about birthdays, the best thing about the day is that you are treated like a king. Everyone is listening to you, altering their plans for you, making sure you are happy. Wow, I sometimes wish if I couls celerate my BDay around the year…

So me at MDI and my first bday away from home. Generally I would sleep when its my birthday or I would start something new and be up at 12 but ever since I have landed at MDI, life has taken an entirely new shape. Its an entirely different world out here. I cant even explain it in words. One has to experience it to feel it.

At MDI, like every other BSchool we have a tradition of giving Birthday Bumps to people. My birthday was no differnet. People gave me bumps and I was lucky enogh to get them twice. The reason being our End Term Exams. The exams started 22nd and everyone was very very frustated with the entire thing and the wanted someone or something to vent their anger out. And it was ME.

The next question that arises is how was the paper and how did I and other people fared in it, needless to say exams sucked like anything and I as expected didnt do very well. Hoping better for other exams.

If there is something called the Birthday Resolution, Yes I have a couple of em. The first one being getting serious about stuff, studies in particular and second one being starting living in the present, not in the dreamworld I am used to.

Finally in the end… shuks ending is the most difficult part of anything and I cant end a blog, relationship, paper, note, anything properly !

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