Crossword Books

I finally decided to go visit Crossword. It opened some time back and ever since I have been trying to go and have a look.

The place is absolutely stunning. There are other bookstores in and around Delhi (like The Om Book Store) but few things that set this place apart are the number of titles they have, their ambience, the wide open spaces and the people there.

They have these sofas spread here and there among the book shelves where you can sit and read through the books. There would be soft instrumental music in the background. People said you could buy coffee there and sit as long as you want, I however din’t see any coffee outlets. May be next time.

The staff there was VERY helpful. I wanted Freedom at Midnight and I could not spot it. I asked the people there and they wasted there time to locate the title even though I had told em that I would not buy it, I just wanted to have a look at it.

I ended up buying two titles, need to gift them to two very special ladies. And I am sure that I would be buying many more titles.

The website can be visited at

And yeah a visit to Crossword added yet another goal in my kitty – Own a bookstore 😀


One thought on “Crossword Books”

  1. crosswords has opened recently in delhi and no wonder you liked it so much.
    not in delhi, but i have spent mot of my times at crosswords in kolkata for almost an year.. and i miss it so much in noida..soon we’ll have one here and this thought gives me a life ya!!!!

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