My Kind of Books

Some people have this misconception that I read a lot. Here are few inside scoops.

I see you with a new book every ther day? How? Are you amazingly fast reader?
SG: LOL. I do not read a lot, just like to show off with a new book every two days. And if you are asking me this question, I have achieved my goal. I want people to think that I read a lot and atleast some people have started assuming that I read a lot.

What about all those books in your cabinet?
I like to have lots of books in my cabinet. I bought all these books at Nai Sarak for 20 bucks each so that my cabinet looks real cool. I was also thinking of fake book holders to make my cabinet even more stuffy…

But then how do you know about so many different authors and books?
I thought I mentioned before this candid interiew that I would not talk about my trade secrets and things that make me loose my (as Porter would put it) Competitive Advantage. However if you are still adamant, let me know and I just might give you some tips …

Ok, so what kind of books do you want people to think that you read?
I read everything from fiction to non-fiction. Before coming to MDI, I did not know that reading can be a pleasure and help me get a lot of attention. The day I realized that I have to get poeple’s attention, I started showing off with the books.

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