Something even Google can’t find !!!!

For the last 20 years of my life, I have been looking for a girl who would be rich, has just the right looks, got a bit of brain and is the sole heiress of the entire fortune of her dad. Needless to say I have been unsuccessful.

So I though why not try Googling for her? I conjoured up all my techie skills and wrote a query. I wanted a “female” who was still “single” and had a “rich dad”. She should be the “sole heiress” of the entire estate. Further I want her to have some kinda “brain”. And finally … this is not that important … some “good looks”.

The query goes like “single” “female” “rich dad” “sole heiress” “brain” “good looks”.

I ran a google search hoping to get some help and realizing my life long dream of getting instant money and not having to work a single day again in my entire life … 🙂


Google dissapointed me and I could not find a single result 🙁 Guess there are things that even Google can’t find ! May be it’s time Larry and Serg got back to their research days and authored yet another “back”rub algorithm .. but may be with a human touch this time .. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Something even Google can’t find !!!!”

  1. see the point also remains that u cannot find a single entry with replacing girls with guys
    tried it

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