Tomorrow I am moving to Gurgaon for a week. I thought I would go to the local market and buy some essential things. I tried to be organized and I actually made a list of things to buy. The list looked like this …
- A packet of Post-Its
- A box of pencils with eraser on one tip
- A couple of sharpners
- A couple of pens (one blue and one black)
- Lakme Sunscreen lotion
- Brand new shiny toothbursh
- A soap case
- Nivea talcum powder (yes, the list is getting personal)
- A pack of mentos (If you like mentos, watch this video – experiment with mentos and cola)
So I load up my wallet with some cash and a credit card and set off for the market. This ws about a quarter of an hour ago. I am back with nothing from the list, did’nt even take the wallet outta my pocket. I guess I was outta luck. I guess these people do not want me to leave this place and go Gurgaon. May be they have hidden their inventories 🙂
I wish I could order this list on Amazon or some other site and get them delivered at my doorstop. May be the next business idea… ?