McDonald’s – Am Loving It … or Not .. ?

Yesterday, I wanted to order for some food. I recently saw an advert from McD that said they have started home delivery. So I thought may be its time I tried the service.

Please note that I called on a Tuesday night at 10:30 PM.

I dialed helpline number (66000666 – very easy to remember – +1 point). After a couple of rings, instead of an actual human voice, an IVR responded that if I wanted to place order I should press 1 and if I wanted to talk to customer service I should press 2. I will give this -5 points. If this is a delivery number, I should not be interrupted before placing my order. I should not be pressing any stupid keys or “talk” to IVRs.

Anyways, I press 1 and after about 4 rings an operator picks up and this is how conversation flowed …

Operator: Hi, are you calling in for the first time? (No greetings, Thank Yous etc) (-1)

Me: Yes I am calling in for the first time.

Operator: May I have your mobile number please? (Yes he used “please” this time)

Me: It is 99*** ***37. (I had to repeat this 3 times) (-1)

Operator: Oh, I see that you are calling in for the firs time (Wow !) (-1)

Me: Yes, I told you that I am calling in for the first time.

Operator: Are you registered with us under any other number?

Me: Huh? I never registered anywhere.

Operator: I mean did you call us earlier from any other number. (-5)


Operator: I will put you on hold. (He did not ask for my permission) (-1)

I was on hold for about a minute. Another operator picked up

Operator 2: Hi, Thanks for calling McD. Can I know your mobile number? (Yes, he said Thanks)

Me: I have given it already but it is 99*** ***37.

Operator 2: Are you calling for the first time? (-2)

Me: Yes I am.

Operator 2: Please hold on. (Again I wasn’t asked if they can put me on hold) (-2)

And the call dropped. I was disconnected. Had it been my company, I would have called back the customer after a call drop.

I was hungry and I wanted to have McD food. And I tried calling again.

The IVR picked up after two rings. I was promptly asked to press 1 or 2 and again after 4 rings an operator picked up.

Operator 3: Hi, Is this your first call to McD?

Me: Yes, I am calling in for the first time. My number is 99*** ***37. Can I place my order please?

Operator 3: Sir, which is the nearest McD to your house?

Me: The one in Bandra.

Operator 3: Do you mean the one in Khar?

Me: Yes the one in Khar.

Operator 3: Sir, please hold (again, no request) (-5)

Surprisingly, the operator forgot to press the HOLD button on his console and I could listen to the conversation in the background.

Operator 3: Oye tereko Santacruz malooom hai? (Do you know Santacruz well?)

Another Guy: Haan, haan maloom hai. (Yes yes, I know)

Operator 3: Delivery karega? (Would you deliver?)

Another Guy: Dekh ley (I dunno…)

I could not believe what I heard. (-20 points for this one)

Operator 3: Thank you for holding sir. The delivery would take an hour to reach. (No sorry, no regrets, just plain facts)

Me: One hour? But the outlet is 10 mins walk from my place.

Operator 3: Sir, there are lots of orders pending for delivery.

Me: Ok, should I walk down to the McD and have my food?

Operator 3: But sir the outlet would be closed in another 5 minutes. (He was being helpful and he asked me not to go to a McD !)

Me: So should I order from somewhere else?

Operator 3: Yes sir.

Me: Ok, Thanks.

And I disconnected.

After calling them twice, I could not place my order and I was actually redirected towards another food outlet. It’s about time McD got the training correct for the staff. They should take a cue from Domino’s Pizza. Apart from fast processing, understanding agents, ordering is actually fun at Domino’s.

Also if on a Tuesday night all their delivery men are occupied, they should ramp up. A customer knocking on doors and going away without paying is a sin for any organization.

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