Cricket Australia – New Avatar

Today was third day at Twenty 20 Cricket Worldcup in South Africa. Just came back from Australia v Zimbabwe match. Australia went in the match as clear favorites but Zimbabweans had other plans. They defeated Australia by 4 wickets. Well played Zimbabwe. They outplayed Aussies in Batting, Bowling and Fielding. Scorecard from the match.

Interesting thing to notice was the new avatar, new uniform of Cricket Australia. They still have their yellow and green colour schemes but there is a subtle change in their uniform. The uniform is tighter around their biceps and triceps. It can easily pass off as suits used by swimmers and wind surfers. Obvisouly this change is by design rather than by accident. May be they want to reinforce their supremacy at the game? May be they have a scientific reason behind it. May be propaganda @ play? May be a bit of everything?

Ideas for marketers …?

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