2008. Revisited.

Inspired by D’s blog, here is my own list of things in 2008. Obvisouly very hard to recollect but I shall take liberal help of my blog and do the same.

Jan. Bored.

Feb. Bored.

Mar. Bored.

Apr. Bored.

May. Bored.

Jun. Bored.

Jul. Bored.

Aug. Bored.

Sep. Bored.

Oct. Bored.

Nov. Bored.

Dec. Bored.

How about you … ?

2008. Looking Back. 2009. Looking Ahead.

In Jan this year, I was very convinced that it will a year that would bring along change and I would be lot more closer to my goals. I even made a list of things that I wanted to do in 2008. They were

1. Stay fit (I am unhealthy, need to control it)
2. Acquire/create/partner a business
3. Write a book – fiction/non-fiction will do
4. Create an online presence (rather than an online identity). This would involve re-restructuring of blogs, conscious effort to post better quality content, creating the website, participating on social and professional networking websites and finally meeting/creating/talking with other people online/offline.

Now, on 26th Dec, if I look back, apart from few things here and there, 2008 was personally a very very average year for me (to say the least). Off the 4 things, I did not do even one. I did try to eat healthy and exercise. I did start a novel. I did think of n00b.in. I did work on creating my online presence and created saurabhgarg.com. All 4 were initiated but died with time. Its not that they were difficult. Its just that I could not complete them. I lost interest mid way and let my mind wander.

In 2009, mantra is going to be FOCUS and DO. Yes I have come up with yet another wish list of things for 2009. In the DO year, I will make sure I FOCUS on things and get them done.

P.S.: Please dont be surprised by lack of work on the do list. Work never was, never will be a priority.

Prabhakar Speaks

Prabhakar Kishan Kharre is yet another fictional guy I would want to meet in real life. Prabhakar is a tourist guide in Shantaram.

The best part about him is the way he speaks. He mixes Hindi, English and Marathi like no one else.

For those who dont know about Shantaram, it is been written by Gregory David Roberts and is about an Australian convict who escapes jail and lands in India on a false passport. He learns life in Mumbai the hard way and finally gets settled. A very interesting (and thick) book.

Don Karnage – I am a Fan

I am now a Don Karnage fan. Actually I have always been a fan but its just reaffirmation. 

I still remember the time when I would desperately wait for Tale Spin to happen. Obviously I was young enough not to have any biases and favorites. But with time, when the show became a passe, and memories began to fade away, there were few things left in the mysterious folds of memory. Amongst them was Don Karnage. The pirate king. The king of puns. The master of one-liners. 

His impeccable sense of humour and great timing at the makes him such a superhero (supervillian if you may). 

This is one character I would have loved to meet in real life. And I am talking from what I have seen in the translated version that ran in India. Have no clue how good/bad was he in the original series. If you are in India and you are keen on watching him, tune into Jetix every morning at 8. 

Too bad Don doesn’t have a page on Wikipedia. I however found a few fanpages and here is a linked list

Image credits: visionsfantastic Forums

2008 Dec 21 – The Weekend

Saturday was 49’s birthday. Me + 122 reached 49’s place on Friday night and went looking for sea food. Somehow reached ShilPhata and stopped for dinner at Kokam King. 49 and 122 loved the sea food. I loved the Masala Papad.

Came back, rented 21, Finding Nemo and Bucket List. Saw The Bucket List (Das Vidaniyan was loosly based on Bucket List). Ok movie but an awesome lesson. I think I will make my own bucket list.

Planning to finish The Motorcycle Diaries by end of this weekend.

Might meet Met 58 at the airport.

Will go Went for the first meeting of the LSBC on sunday (I can never seem to spell the name correct – I think Prasanna hates me for naming it like that). Hope to discover more people and share the love of reading books.

Written on Saturday, 20th December 2008 while waiting for a pizza that I just ordered from Dominoes. 

Meeting my clone

Last night I was not really in the best of the moods. Only thing I could think of was the Moby song Why Does My Heart and I put that on my Twitter

@twilightfairy replied in the morning that me and sepiaverse tweeted about the same song at the same time. And he she too mentioned about the dog. Whoa. Coincidence? Clones? Mind Reading? Telepathy?

P.S.: Is this post worthy enough of reaching saurabhgarg.com?

SRK on Mumbai Terror Attacks

IBN got this exclusive interview with SRK post attacks on Mumbai

Few highlights


When I think of my loved ones now, that circle is increasing. It has not got to do with only my wife, my children and couple of friends. It is now increasing, I want to spend time with all the people I thought that I can like or love and slowly I believe this is going to make everyone in the country do the same. We are going to spread this circle of love. I think tragedy has strange sense of uniting people, so it is making me feel that I need to spend every living hour of my life with people who matter a lot.


Absolutely, if you can take away any positive thing from this tragedy and have some kind of peace in your heart to be able to look at that. I think the very thing that the terrorists try to destroy is unity, secularism, the economy and just the dignity of the country. I think for the first time, we all have come to realise that that very thing has actually strengthened. The unity has got strengthened and I cannot say I am glad but I can say that if you can take away anything positive, that in itself is biggest positive. They have now given us the biggest weapon against them and we need to utilise that in the best way possible.


At this point of time we are finding various areas to vent out, whether they are politicians, whether they are some services which failed, we will do all that but I just want to tell the youngsters not to let go of this frustration, anger and cynicism. Use it as a constructive, aggressive move towards bringing a change. This is a historical turning point for us which is going to bring the young people together. Ask questions and listen to the answers and if the answers are not right, ask the questions again or change the people who are giving those answers.


Jihad was supposed to be propagated by the Prophet himself but unfortunately now two versions of Islam exist. There is an Islam from Allah and – I am not being anti – very unfortunately, there is an Islam from the Mullahs. I appeal to all of them to please give the youngsters, the right reading of the Quran


I think fanatics have no ground stand, it is very easy to debate with fanatics because I think they are misinformed, illinformed and they have no ground stand. Any normal, educated, well brought up Indian or Pakistani can debate with a fanatic from either sides and win the debate very easily. They have no answers after a while, I am again and again saying that if you are following Allah’s words, even if you are following Gita’s words or Biblical words, there is no place anywhere which will say this.