The End. Of The New New Thing.

The New New Thing – my other blog on businesses comes to an end. This is what I posted while announcing it.

After about 11 months of putting time and energy behind the New New Thing, I have decided to shut it down. I was thinking about it till last week and now I am clear on what I want from my online presence.

Before what I would be, let me talk about what I would not be.

1. I would not be a blog/website that pimps brands, businesses or people.
2. I would not publish “exclusive” or “you read it here first”.
3. I would not indulge in link baiting (except when I am specifically working on a project).

I rather want to

1. create and contribute to original knowledge.
2. meet, talk to, work with bright minds. There is one and only one way to get them. Be one.
3. come up with ideas. More importantly execute them and see them to fruition.

What has changed?
Over the last one year, I read about the Internet, tried to understand the basics, talked to tons of people, made few very good friends, obviously blogged about all this and everything else, under the guise of New New Thing. I has been an awesome journey and a very rich learning experience.

Also, I have realized that I am not one of those superhumans who can juggle work, blog, life all at the same time and excel at it. Focus on one thing for me, means loss of focus on others. I have limited time and a peanut sized brain and thus there is only so much I can do. I will have to let go of few things and move on. Blogging on New New Thing is one such dispensable thing.

I now shall focus on doing. Rather than brainstorming about it. I would continue to share thoughts and lessons as and when I create things.May be I will do a new blog. Or a wiki. Or a mailing list. Lets see. One things for sure. The focus would shift from being a blogger to a doer. Please stay tuned for updates and announcements. Although I havent said anything about the nature of things I will indulge in, you still might want to contact me (here).

And as with everything else, new shall replace the old. Lets see how things shape up.

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