Bungee Jumped off Macau Tower

Ever since I heard about the concept of a Bungee Jump, I have wanted to do it. So much so that I put it on my wishlist.

So last Sunday, I actually did it. I jumped from Macau Tower. At 233 meters, operated by AJ Hackett, this is the highest commercial Bungee Jump location in the world.

The experience is hard to describe. The jump gets over before it begins. The first few miniseconds are full of confusion. You think you have done something wrong. Since its something that you have never experienced before, your brain cant comprehend it. The next few microseconds is when you feel liberated. Its like orgasm. It lasts for split second but then those split seconds are worth a lifetime. The next few microseonds when you are nearing the ground, you start realizing what you have just done and you actually start screaming. And then the pull back happens. And you start singing songs. In my case, it was “this is love”!!. And then they lower you to the ground. And you feel that sense of achievement. That adrenaline rush that you always wanted. That exhilaration that you always craved for. Its all there. You are so proud of yourself to have jumped off the edge.

And as they, why live on the edge, when you can jump off it!! And btw next on list are jumps in Nepal and Switzerland.

Videos are available on demand. If you want to see me tottering towards the edge of the tower, that last bit of confusion and fear on my face before the jump, the actual fall, the reach for the ground below, the pull back and the release and all the pre-jump masala, please let me know and I shall share.

And for everyone else who have been thinking about it, you should do it. Its totally worth it.

Losing it

Realized lately that I cant write anymore !!

Untimely demise of a future award winning, movie scripting, book touring, critical acclaim generating, shamelessly self promoting author?

Happy Birthday Agony Aunt

Happy Birthday V!!!

Thanks for being there. Always.

Strange it may sound but yes, I do have an agony aunt. Everytime I am low and I dont know what to do, I goto her place, talk my heart out without any inhibitions, chit chat about random things and come back fresh. Its like coming back from a teerth yatra (aka pilgrimage).

She listens to me without prejudice, she seems to understand everything without me having to say em explicitly and has answers for every damn thing in the world (MS tells me that I have answers for everything. If MS had met V, she would have known that SG has just about a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of V’s coming-up-with-ingenious-answers-at-drop-of-the-hat skills).

Coming back to her, she is super intelligent, very strict taskmaster, amazing mother (shes got two sons – I tried talking her into adopting me as well, but she dint budge) and wonderful listener. The world needs more of her kinds.

I know her for about an year now. I know her from an online forum that both of us are fond of. In fact she gave me my first project when I started Cyntax in July last year (btw we still haven’t finished the project and she has been chasing me incessantly for it and I have now mastered the art of avoiding her phone calls about it).

Wish her a great year ahead.


With a heavy heart (coupled with black and white imagery and sad music in background), I report the untimely departure of one MS from the sob story of my life.

In last few months, everytime you saw me happy, it was her. Everytime you saw me excited, she had done something special. Everytime I was found hunting for curios, gifts and tees, they were all for her. Everytime I disappeared without a convincing alibi, I was with her.

She brought me strength, love and luck. She took care of me. She was my guiding angel. She taught me what I ought to do. She stood by me. She watched out for me. She made me do things that I never thought were possible. She made my laugh and yes, she did make my cry. She was the reason. She made me push my limits and she was always there when I needed her.

Reminds me of these lines …

Tu jo nahin to aise piya hum
jaise soona aangana
nain tihari raah niharein
nainan ko tarsaao na

Download it here. Totally legit. From CokeStudio.

Wish I could get her back…

Like most of other people I talk about here, MS is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is purely coincidental and unintentional. Please consult a certified financial consultant before taking any investment decisions. Ok, this last one was not required.