Monthly Report – Mar 2014

The third month of the year is gone. Three months before I even realized. By this time I was supposed to finish working on the draft 2. But I haven’t been able to. So coming to the update…

Here are the thing that I did in this month

  1. I shared the the first draft of the book, The Nidhi Kapoor Story, with a few friends and I have got encouraging response. I was supposed to finish the second draft by end of this month. 
  2. Had a better month with poker compared to last time. I was net positive. For the first time in last one year since I’ve started grinding on pokerstars. 
  3. Started applying to places. Money is running out fast and I need a naukri faster. So far, nothing has materialized. If you know someone who wants to hire, do point them to my linkedin profile, or better share their details with me.
Thats it. Two things really. Not a great month no? 
So moving on,

Report on things I had planned for Mar.

  1. I had planned six things. I managed to stay positive with poker, I worked on #tnks and I took yoga slightly more serious. I did not ge time to clear evernote and I did not see any of the videos. Like last time, multiple reasons. And again, I would rather not talk about those but I’d try and make April better. 

In Apr of 2014, these are the things that are on the cards

  1. Things for Feb, Mar (sell sgElectra, work on Cpt ObvISIN and next plot)
  2. Clear Evernote.
  3. #poker. Get yet another good month with poker. Like I mentioned, a good month is when I do not lose. This is probably going to be an ongoing goal. 
  4. #poker. See all of grisped on youtube. 
  5. #36to30. Take yoga as a challenge. Try and do asanas with more poise and tougher intensity. I would take it up as a challenge. I wrote about it here. Remember the tread mill that Will Smith talks about?
Thats about it from the month of Mar. Over to you April. In the meanwhile, do check out The Nidhi Kapoor Story’s facebook page. I have 200 likes there and I want to take it upto 500. I dont know how. Any ideas?
Previous updates: Jan, Feb

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