Your first book!

In short, here’s an offer (that hopefully you can’t refuse). Hire me as your writing coach and I will ensure that your book is done in less than 6 months. Email me at and we’d take it from there.

The longform.
Writing The Nidhi Kapoor Story was probably the toughest thing that I’ve ever done in life (may be except enduring 10 days at a Vipassana camp). And though it was not a sell-out per se, the fruits were as satisfying as any other. When I held the preview copies in my hand, I was literally in tears. And as luck would have it, Vivek had come over for some reason and helped me give the first copies to #sgMS and him. I am digressing. But thing is, writing a book is up there in terms of opening restaurants, traveling the world et al on the bucket lists.

And the experience is / was so superlative that I want to help others get to it. Its not that difficult. 

So here is an opportunity to work with me while you work on your book.

What can you expect?
I am not the best when it comes to grammar or literature. I am not even half good when it comes to plotting. But I know what I am great at – getting things done. Reliability. Ensuring that I meet the deadlines. Getting the thing out of the door.

I will use some of the tools that I use to manage two very small businesses. And trust me, the tools work. May be someday I will write a book about how to use project management tools to work on a creative project – like writing a book. May be not. The point is, I know how to get a book done and I want to help.

Actually it’s no rocket science. It all boils down to merely showing up. And on persistence. And writing the next word laying the next brick. That’s about it. More when we sit together to work on your book.

Please be warned that I can’t help you with the art (the story, storytelling etc) and I obviously can’t help you with craft (the language etc). But I can help you by nudging you in the direction. Think of me as a writing coach. If this is any assurance, three different authors have included my name in acknowledgements pages of their book(s). Of course they are being generous – I did not help them write their books per se. But I figure I must have done something to deserve the honour. How about you put my name in yours?

Is my time free? 
No it is not. You have to pay a one-time “donation” of Rs. 5000 for it. No, not to me. You need to give the money to your favorite charity. And share the receipt with me. If you can’t afford 5K, email me and let’s talk about it.

Why am I doing this? 

I want to giveback. Simple.

No deadline. I am going to accept 5 authors / books. As soon as I get 5, I will close this. And then I shall see how it goes.

So that’s it! Help me help you. Help me grow as an author. And like Steve said,

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

So ladies and gents, the time we have is limited. Life is a wonderful gift and you never know when it’s going to get taken away from us. And thus we ought to live it up. We ought to do things. We ought to do them now.

The book can not wait. Let’s work on it. Now. 

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