Day 37 of the lockdown.
Day 43 otherwise.
Month: April 2020
Day 35 of Lockdown
Day 35 of the lockdown.
I think that is what keeps me sane. Inspiring stories from people that do things that are unexpected. As someone said, “koshish karne wale ki kabhi haar nahi hoti“
And here’s an offer. In case you would want to use me as a bouncing board to crack what is it that you want to chase, I am happy to volunteer. Drop me an email with answers to these three questions…
- 1. If you had all the money what would you do?
- 2. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?
- 3. Who do your friends compare you to?
Day 34 of the lockdown
Day 34 of the lockdown.
Day 40 otherwise.
I feel spaced out. Not overwhelmed. But spaced out. You know where I want to be alone and do nothing? Not even watch shit on Netflix. Mood swing? May be. May be not. I don’t know. It’s one of those phases, those days when I don’t want to do anything. Eat a lot and sleep. And wake up after hours.
The days are hot here and since the AC is not working, I have no other option but to bear it. Which is ok. I am ok to dress down and I am ok with the idea.
I had a lot of idle time – which I don’t like.
I did a lot of time pass – which I like.
I did a lot of procrastination – which I don’t like.
I did a lot of planning – which I like.
That’s about it, I guess. I mean I am still the same in my head. But at least, I wrote.
Hope tomorrow is better.
And with this, over and out.
Previous posts in the lockdown series are – Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 19, 30, 32
Day 32 of the lockdown
Day 32 of the lockdown.
Day 38 otherwise.
It is after a few days that I feel human myself again.
And what is this myself? Well, someone who’s up and about early (as I write this, its 8 AM. Been up since 7 and puttering around the house, and right now I am sipping on to my coffee (with coconut oil and turmeric)). I feel that there is a lot to be done and no not in an overwhelming manner – in a good way. I am generally hopeful about life and work and all that. I know times are hard and things are tough and it will not be easy – especially for mercenaries like me. But I am hopeful. As hopeful as I have ever been in my life. Like acche din are just around the corner, even though its been almost 40 years now.
Thing is, I don’t know what’s helped me get up on the right side of the bed. This is one of those “khush hoon main aaj khamkha” days. You know when you are singing for no reason. Remember that ad from Cadburys? And while we are at it, see this post from Mar 2015.
I am still sleeping as much. Or as less. Depends on how you look at it. I am still staying up late. I am still anxious. I am still having all the coffee that I must not have. I am not getting enough physical exercise. I am clearly not getting enough Vitamin D. Bank balance is now as negative as the amount of hair I have on my head. But I am generally being myself today.
I am sure there are things that are working below the surface – I don’t know what those are and I want to identify those. Just that I have not done anything different yesterday compared to other days. Maybe I slept really well? Yesterday, there was this breeze that cooled the room a bit (my AC has conked off and I can’t get it fixed till we open the lockdown). May be I will get used to a life where I don’t need to AC to sleep? Fuck that would be amazing. It’s always been a big big goal in my life! Let’s see.
Apart from a tad better sleep, I am not sure what has changed. And anyway I sleep well on most days. There has to be something else at play. Need to figure out what that is. Maybe it will come to me?
That’s about it I guess.
Day 30 of the Lockdown
Day 30 of the lockdown.
Hello, blog, or whoever is reading this.
As I start writing this, it is 4:42 AM and I have just done the dishes. What an ungodly hour to do dishes. But I don’t know what else to do at this time. I am tired – physically, mentally, and emotionally. For some reason, I can’t get sleep (one reason is that the AC has conked off and the people I’ve taken it on rent from can’t fix, cos lockdown). Of course, I am trying hard to eat less and in moderation. But I am failing gloriously at that. I mean in the last 24 hours, I have had three full meals, each at least 1500 calories. How do I know? Well, after each meal, all I can do is doze off in whatever state I am at in (sitting, lying down, doing dishes, etc).
Of course, a few good things have happened.
But then, to be honest, I broke the phone on the 2nd day of the lockdown and I wasn’t really functional, or on the other end, hyper-productive when I did not have a good phone.
B. Met a couple of friends.
Day 19 of 21daysOfLockdown
Day 19 of the lockdown.
Been more than a week since I wrote. Even though I’ve had a lot to write about. And I did not have anything to write. Minutes have blurred into hours, hours into days and days into something that I can’t recall either the beginning of. Or the end of. Guess that’s how life essentially is. Time blurring into one continuous stream that we sort of stop noticing!
Anyhow. So when we got into the lockdown, I decided that I would come out of this healthier, happier and with a manuscript of my book. Ok, hyperbole. But I had decided that I would use the time to see if I am a boy or a man. And if the last 18 days are to be believed, am more of a boy than a man. And that’s a truth I need to live with, for the rest of my life. Unless I use the remainder of the time (another 18 days from here on) to get things done. In fact, I promised myself that in case lockdown extends in Mumbai, I would stop everything and focus on my book and shave my head off. So maybe, the book is what I’d work on for the next few days.
Oh, I did shave my head today. A part of it at least. Whatever I could in sweltering heat of a stuffy, tiny room in my house. And if you are curious, I did a terrible job at it. To a point that I don’t think I’ll be able to show my face to anyone for a while. Thank God for the lockdown. I just need to say that I broke the camera of the computer to avoid the video calls!
So this is it. Nothing great or interesting to share. Just that I hadn’t written in a while and I had to.
What are you guys up to? Pray, do tell!
Previous posts in the series – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7*, 8*, 9*, 10, 11, 12*, 13*, 14*, 15*, 16*, 17*, 18*
*- the days I did not post
Hello April / Monthly Review – Feb and Mar 2020
This is my bi-monthly (used to be once a month, but from now on, once in two months) report on what I am up to.
Before anything else, I must say, the past few days will have to be among the MOST incredible days that I have ever seen. The entire world has come to a literal stop and everyone is suffering. You know, makes me feel lucky that I have had any major incidents, accidents or anything negative like that. The closest that I came to harm is 26/11 when I was still far away in Vashi playing pool with a few friends and terrorists were pummeling parts of South Mumbai. And when I compare myself to others that have been caught in Mumbai floods, communal riots (in Mumbai in the past and now more recently in Delhi), wild accidents and all that, I think I am really really lucky! Though this one may bring me to my knees. Let’s see.
This year has been wretched, to say the least. I think this tweet from a GMMR fan account will sum this up…
2020 was directed by me.— George RR Martin (@GRRM) March 18, 2020
I just hope you and your loved ones are safe, cared for and in comfort. If you can read this, you are among the privileged few that have access to a house, an internet connection and most importantly, the ability to read and comprehend what I am writing.
So, coming to the review for Feb and Mar and the plan for Apr and May (lol :)). To jog your memory, when I do a review, I track progress compared to my yearly goals, life plan and goals. And for the record, three large goals for 2020 are Book 2, a sub-5-hours marathon, a topline of 50 crores.
I have sections for fails, wins, inbetweens, lessons, plan for Feb 2020 and a question.
- Did a lot of things that did help me make some connections. But none of them were going to contribute to the large goals I have. So the lessons is, I need to pick my battles well!
- Did nothing on the sub-5 marathon goal. I did go for long walks but that’s that. With every passing month, I am realizing that I may have to drop the health goals altogether!
- I was to write 25K words on #book2, had to train to be able to climb 100 flights and had to fix the C4E website. Did none of those 🙁
- Attended a concert by AR Rahman. While it does not serve any professional goals per se, on a personal level, it is a dream come true to have seen him live. Plus now that I have seen the setup of his concert, it is on my wishlist to do something like that. Assuming I remain in the events business after this COVID-19.
- Along with AD, I published an article on one of the most respected business magazines (it was on my todo list since 2018). Read it at
- Again, along with AD, I am making progress on my first podcast. And the article I talk about above, gave me the thrust required to get the podcast ready. We call it The Founder Thesis and the first few episodes are ready! If not for COVID-19, we would’ve released those by mid-April. In case you wish to listen to those, please lemme know and I will share.
- My #aPicADay has reached 95+ days! Longest I have kept up with something!
#inBetweens (these are neither wins / nor losses)
- I had a little more time this time than other times. And thus I attended a few open mics, at-home concerts, live shows and so on and so forth. I was enamored by the struggle that these performing artists put in. I wish I could do something about those. Any ideas?
- has finally taken shape. Phew! I pestered a friend into teaching me the basics of Elementor and I hacked together a page. A page. Not a website. But after trying with multiple tech-teams and failing at it, I can finally send people to a website!
I will also include things that the lockdown has taught me (though I would write a longer post would happen at some point in time).
- The most important thing has to be the lessons in deliberate practice. Lemme call it Riyaz. I wrote about it in detail here.
- Since we’ve gone in lockdown, I have started a few online courses (the ones that I never had the time for). This one, about learning how to learn stands out. Please consider doing it if you have the time.
- I learned that while I am ok to cook and clean and all that, it ends up wasting a LOT of time. Like 5 hours a day. And then it drains you out of the energy – physical, mental and emotional. I did these for a few days and then found a restaurant that at a steep price is willing to deliver meals to me. So that’s cool.
- I actually like this lockdown. I haven’t been able to step out since this happened but because I am on my own, I am pretty much a master of my time. I would love to maintain this life where I control my time.
What do I plan to do in April?
I am not sure if we would get out of the lockdown and a lot depends on that.
My key work area is events and if lockdown extends another month, the events business is almost as good as gone. And that means I would be jobless and will have to think of an alternate career. And at a time when everything around me would be bad – slow economy, joblessness, too many talented people around that are vying for the same jobs. So, I am not sure how things would play. What do you think?
But what I can do is, control things that I can control. Things like #book2! And the 25K words that I have planned since I was like a kid in diapers! Yeah, on it.
Lemme end this with the best photo that I clicked in the last two months
10 things I’d do differently if I could be a teenager again
One of my mentors asked me to do this today.
List down 10 things u would do differently for yourself, if you could start again from being a teenager.
So, here’s my answer.
And in order of what I would take if I could.
- I would invest. Whatever little amount I could. When I was a teenager, I would have got pennies for pocket money but I would invest. By now, in 20 years, thanks to compounding, it would be a substantial sum. Maybe enough to allow me to not work on the day of writing this.
- Start a business asap. I did do those comic stalls and renting my video games and all that but I would do more. The kinds that start giving me some capital so I could invest it and build a compounding machine.
- I would spend more time with my parents and family – after all in the future, time would get scarce, how so ever hard I may try.
- I would make better friends. The ones that I can count on when I need them. And the ones that I could learn from (and not just the ones that lived in the proximity). Most people I call friends are merely there because it was convenient for them and for me. And in the long run, in the time of adversity, convenience runs out.
- Related, I would go to a better college and get a better education. I did go to fairly good colleges but I think I got lucky. Thing is, I was so so so unaware about life and career when I was a teenager that I just went with the flow and drifted wherever life took me. And the pattern has stayed with me! I would take the conscious call to go to the best educational institution that I could.
- I would learn how to code. I was good exceptional at it in college but I lost the plot once I started with my MBA. I would do this to be able to be more independent of others. Of course, back then I would not have known that code will rule the world!
- I would travel more. The thing is, I am lucky to have travel far and wide and now that I have been literally home for the last year or so, I want to go out more. And if I look at a longer-term, whatever little I know, I learned because I could travel so much! So, travel more.
- I would learn a musical instrument. No reason.
- I would take care of my fitness. I am reasonably ok for my age (probably not?) but I would want to be fitter so that I can do more. Plus I enjoyed sports as a kid. That went for a toss when I went for my MBA and then subsequent work life.
- I’ll get more active in the community. In the sense that I would want to be more active in the world that has given me everything that I have. If not for the community, then what?
Day 11 of 21daysOfLockdown
Day 11 of the lockdown.
Day 10 of 21daysOfLockdown
Day 10 of the lockdown.Day 15.
15 days now since I have been indoors. Except for the two grocery runs I made. And except the occasional walk that I go for around my building. One time I ever walked up 12 stories – you know, was trying to get fitter. But then that shall remain a distant dream.