Lemme tell you a story. The kinds that is only possible on the Internet.
Month: June 2020
Untitled – 16Jun20
I slept off early last night. I was on my bed by 930. And then drifted off to sleep at around 1030 or something. No, it’s not the earliest to be honest. I would love to sleep every day by 9 and then get up at 4 (yes I am a morning person). But I think till I reach a time where I can control my time fully (I can control a large part of my time, but not all the time) it would be tough. Lets see when that happens.
Day 81 of Lockdown
Previous posts that I wrote during the lockdown are – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 19, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 45, 47, 57, 63, 64, 69, 74, 80
Day 80 of Lockdown
713. Necks hurting. I need to stop using the pillows. There’s some soreness in my back. This could either be all the sitting I do throughout the day or may be because I’ve just woken up. The eyes are tad blurry – I am yet to wash my face. The legs are stiff, as you’d expect an old man’s after he’s just woken up from fitful sleep. I font know if fitful is the right expression. I do remember that I saw some dream, no, I don’t recall that. But I did have a dream. And that means I was in REM and that means I was rested.
Previous posts that I wrote during the lockdown are – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 19, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 45, 47, 57, 63, 64, 69, 74
Hello Jun / Monthly Review – Apr – May 2020
Trust you and your loved ones are safe and well-taken care of! Here’s the recap for April and May of 2020.
- Work out! I had all the time in the world. And yet I could not do anything about it (except two 40-hour fasts). So that sucks. I’ve realized that I may not be able to work out but I can easily manage time-restricted eating. So I need to find a way to optimize running and not eating!
- Missed deadlines. I don’t have a large excuse but I did miss on a lot of deadlines these two months. I wish I could blame it on my mental state. But the thing is, I have been super ok and I’ve just whiled away time. Need to fix this.
- Attended sessions on Screenwriting from Satyanshu Singh and Anjum Rajabali. They are among the best teachers of the trade ever! I am grateful to this lockdown that I could attend these sessions. If I have learned anything, it is that it’s a long and tough road and would be fun to tread. I took reams of notes and in case you’d like to read those, please do let me know and I will be happy to share.
- In partnership with AD, finally launched Podium. We aim to be a network of premium podcasts. Hired a team. Released Founder Thesis (we talk to some of the most celebrated entrepreneurs in the country) and Kahaniyon Ka Guccha (stories from the life of the famous Saadat Hasan Manto; thank you, Mudit, and Anamika). Recorded Marketing Matters (we talk to some CMOs are large consumer brands in India) and 1Up Your Career (to help the Class of 2020 navigate their way in these times). Getting ready for India Booked (thank you, Ayushi and Prakruti). Cracked a few deals. Oh, you can find us on your favorite podcast player!
- Started publishing on SaurabhGarg.com. I really really would like you to read this piece on taking notes and tell me what you think.
- My #aPicADay has reached 160+ days! w00t! To date, I have NOT missed a single day. Considering how fickle I could be, this is a BIG BIG win!
What do I plan to do in Jun and Jul of 2020?
- Writer for hire. Thanks to Satyanshu and Anjum Sir’s sessions, I am a tad more confident. Plus, I did acquire a new client in the last two months that’s paying me to write for them. So that’s a possibility.
- A podcaster. All of us know that there is no money to be made as a podcaster (we found out as a result of a study that AD and I did; that eventually helped us create Podium). But there is definitely an opportunity in creating a network of podcasts. I can probably do that?
- Keep hustling. The way I have rumbled down whatever road promised the shiniest reward at the end of it, I can continue to chase it. This has served me well and I don’t see a reason to change (except that there is far fewer opportunities now).
So, that’s about it for the update. As always, thank you for your time and attention. Please stay safe!
Over and out!
09 06 2020
FEEDBACK. Should you want to give me anonymous feedback on this email or anything else under the sun, please use this form – https://forms.gle/28bVP8DYz2WGdHdp8. And yes I do get not-so-kind inputs. Brutal and honest feedback is the best feedback.
2019 – Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
2020 – Annual Goals, Jan, Feb-Mar, Apr-May
Thank you for your patience. It is not an easy task to survive these long emails!
Time flies…
Hello! Been a while since I last wrote. Last I wrote was on the last day of the last month.
Time is flying so fast it’s not funny. Last I remember I was sitting down for a session with Anjum Sir to learn about screenwriting (this was on last Sunday) and when I looked at the calendar, I realized its Friday morning! 5 days flew as it if were riding on a HummingBird or whatever is the fastest bird that you know of! I did not move an inch on things that I was supposed to work on. I did not read a damn thing. I did not listen to a single podcast. I did not write the logline for #book2. I did not try to eat less or workout more. I was fucking vegetating.
I know time goes by faster if you are old but I did not know it would be this fast. No wonder old age sucks! You have less time left to live and that too goes past by fast! As double a whammy as you can imagine.