My first ever job was when I was in 5th or 6th standard or maybe even younger. Me and a few friends brought together our comic books and started a rent shop. You as a customer could come in and rent our comic books and magazines for 50 paisa a day. I of course don’t remember now how much we made and how we spent that money. But today, I made the first purchases from my first post MBA salary.
Over the years I have worked and made quite a few things include the time I was working for HCL, Babel. I started my full time post MBA work here at my new company and today I spent my first salary. Of course I did not spend the entire amount but I did spend substantial amount. I bought R K Laxman’s autobiography – The Tunnel of Time and That Man On The Road. Next on the list is Kaleidoscope.
And of course there would be more things … This page shall be updated as and when I acquire them or think about acquiring them… !
Heyyyy may be even I should put up that Disclaimer on my blog