Addicted To Internet

Yesterday night my Internet Conenction was’nt working. When I asked, I was told someone from the rival company has cut the cables and thy would be able to fix it only in the morning. I was also informed that it would be fixed by today afternoon.

For the last two years (ever snice I have been using cable Internet connection), I have been spending as much as four hours online at nights. Yesterday since Internet Connection was’nt working, I felt a void in my life. I missed things. I can say I am addicted to Internet. As Prateek quoted “I felt as if I have been fired from my job and have nothing else to do”.

No, its not that yesterday night was the first time when my connection was’nt working but yesterday was the first time I realized how much dependent and addicted I am on computers and Internet. I could have played one of so many interneting and goo games I have on my computer, could have made a website, could have completed Sudhakar’s work and could have wathed Notting Hill or Sholay once agin. But NO. I could’nt stand it and I watched Television and slept at around 12. I can’t remember when was the last time when I slept so early.

Talking of the movie Sholay, I think my disk has been scratched real bad. It won’t work. I was on Yahoo confrence with people from and we were talking about useless stuff and from somewhere the Sholay thing came up. I posted a few trivias from the movie and to check the answrs, I loaded my Sholay disk and it was’nt working :(.

Coming back to Addiction, there are people who are addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, sex, drugs, computers, Internet and a lot of other stuff. But I am curious what exactly causes an addiction. What is the reason and why is it so tough to get out of it? I have seen people who have been really really addicted coming out of it without too much problems and there are people who would’nt budge no matter what you do. Two clear examples here could be my dad and me. My dad used to be a chain smoker till about 8 years back. He would smoke like a furnance and he did it all day long. The n one day all of a sudden, he left it all. He just said, “I won’t touch a cigarette again” and he hasn’t smoked since. TouchWood. And talking about me, for the last four years, I have tried unsuccessfullly to not spend so much time on computer but I have failed. Failed miserably everytime.

Let me get my Internet Conenction back and I would research about it today and add to this list. Also another thing to find out on the Internt is the scope and feasiblilty of finding overseas Diamond Jewellery traders.

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