There is no place in the world for jack of all trades. At least not in India. Everyone wants to hire an expert. Someone who’s been there and done that. Someone who thinks in a silo. Someone who has never dared to venture out of their comfort zone. Someone who’s a conformist.
Sorry to say but the world (at least the bit around me) does not reward the ones who try things. Its like a negative spiral. You fall into once and you can never come up again!
4. Dont take things for granted. I have been a happy-go-lucky dude all my life. So much so when people around me were buying houses and cars and making millions of rupees in their cushy jobs, I would laugh it out loud. Now, for some reason, it has started to suck. The dwindling bank balance has started to bother. Not being able to pay for drinks and food when you step out, it sucks. Everyone, including friends and family, treating you like a liability is even worse. Again, its about you. You being alone. And all that.
5. The world around me is transactional. You give me something and I would give you something back. And everyone wants to emerge as a winner. On top. Nothing wrong with it. Darwin knew this long before any of us could even comprehend. Either you fight and you come on top. Or you slither away to obscurity.
6. If you are nobody, nobody wants to talk to you. Not friends, not neighbors, not strangers, not prospective dates. Not prospective employers. When I had a naukri, I would regularly get calls from everyone wanting to hire me. And since I’ve been in the job market, no one wants to hire me! Sigh!
So.. What else? I dont know. I mean I know but I am not going to talk about it here. May be on the secret blog. Or evernote.
Yeah. This is it. For the time being. Of course all these are first-world issues. Since I’ve been blesseed Lets see how many of these sessions can I do before I either succumb to pressure. Or find a way out. Either way, this will stop. In the words of Chris, this part of my life, I call it “internship being fucked up in my head.”
Of course I chase
P.S.: Here is Soul searching 101.