Mumbai Barcamp 3

Mumbai BarCamp

Date: 29th March 2008
Loc: SJSOM, IIT Mumbai
Agenda: None 🙂

And this “none” agenda makes a barcamp an interesting place to go. I was there for Mumbai Barcamp 2 also and I met few good people there. Hope to bump into more people this time. Also, last time, I saw a lot of people and companies walking in herds and trying to create things without even knowing “the why” question. Hope things change this time around.


As of now 200 people have registered already. Keep watching this space for more.

Originally posted at Thoughts @ Work.

BarCamp Mumbai 2

October 13 is now booked. Just signed up for Mumbai BarCamp2. Sign up at Its being hosted at IIT Mumbai.

I am the 25th person to confirm my attendance for second version of BarCamp in Mumbai. My first ever. Lets see what comes out of it. I have heard from quite a few people that it can be real fun and in fact quite a few businesses have actually come out of it.

They also invite people to give talks. I would love to talk about a lot of things – especially not being able to start a company. Maybe someone can tell me how to start one. Beware Google. I am on the prowl.

Keep watching !

Keywords: BarCampMumbai2, BarCamp

UPDATE: As on 19th September, 41 people have agreed to attend and 2 people have agreed to speak at the BarCampMumbai2. Great going.

Update 2: As on 20th September, Barcamp Mumbai 2 has 56 attendees and 3 speakers.

UPDATE 3: Dates for the barcamp changed. Its now on 14th October rather than 13th. 10 speakers and 83 attendees. Looks like we will have a blast !

Final Update: Back from the bacCamp. I think something is really really wrong about all the people trying to launch their companies. Most of the people are launching companies with no visible revenue streams. I dont understand how will these companies sustain themselves.

In short, I am dissappointed.