Update – 6th June, Goa, Futility

Been some time since I uploaded this blog. Few things worth mentioning have happened.

6th June happened to me. Do did 9th. And now waiting for the 4th. Its happening too fast and too slow. Its a blur and a dream. Its all there and it isnt.

Then I missed the deadline for TED India Fellows application. No it was not too complex. I was too lazy and I dint have a lot of substance to talk about.

Visited Goa. Went to a casino. Played Mini Flush for four hours. Won few rupees. Beginners luck probably. Saw mental models in action. Going to read more about Casinos, gambling etc. They says its one of those seven deadly vices. What are other six (hint hint)?

Spoke to Neo and Gandhi about life and all. Gandhi as always had no opinions. Neo had some. I could not comprehend most of them.

Thought about Cyntax. Wrote about it. Planning to get a designer to help me with it. Any volunteers?

Felt sorry for being rude and demanding. Said sorry. She was surprised. She said she was used to my tantrums and randomness. I had never said sorry since I have known her (since 2004). Five years is a lot of time.

Sandy getting married. And the future of PseudoSocial is now in a quandary. As if it wasn’t in a jeopardy already. We have run it as an adopted child at best. And then the ever shrinking bachelor club, shrinks even further. More exclusions from the club are being planned as I write this (or you read this). I hope is not Neo or Gandhi.

Miss MDI more than ever. Reminds me of Rabbi Shergill’s Gill Te Guitar.

Want to debate with someone on futility of our actions. And our thoughts. And our emotions. Dont have anyone to debate with. I even have doubts on the futility of these debates.

FB came up with vanity URLs. And the website is that important that I actually planned to check it when they were released. And I was disappointed that I could not get Saurabh. And now am blogging about it. Wonder how these “tools” take so much importance in our lives.

Then half wrote this rant. Even though India is a huge country, there are some things that are so Indian that you will find them in every nook and corner of the country. Buffalos for example. Stray dogs. Then electric wires hanging loosely on the poles. Chai shop. Cigarette shop. Then there are home grown brands like Agarwal Sweets, CCD etc in almost every locality worth living., Amongst them is this Maruti Suzuki service centre called Sai Service. Yes, that place with a blue and red flower logo. Every state that I have traveled to India has a Sai Service. And I am told one Mr. Suresh Kalmadi owns the chain. Now I need to know if he is the same Mr. Kalmadi who is more famous (actually rather infamous) for his role in the Indian Olympic Association. Any answers?

And then there is some more. I cant think of it now. May be later? Another uninteresting, boring, mundane week comes to an end. How many more?


Please read this on Wired and you might just begin to understand the MML culture.

A present-tense equivalent to the hacker insult, pwned, this geek-slang declaration of victory means, “Guess what? I’m humiliating you and you don’t even know it.” Legend has it that the phrase was coined in 2004, when one networked gamer sent another the message, “im in ur base killin ur d00dz.” (In reality, he used different syntax.) The sentiment lends itself to a variety of circumstances, leading to variations (often featuring cats) such as “Im in ur fridge eatin your f00dz” and “Im in ur quantum box… maybe.”

Team MML

Mario and Nintendo Amusement Park

Ever since I bought a controller for my laptop, I have been hooked onto old NES games … Mario and Contra to name a few.

Further I think I am a Google stud and can search for anything … I was searching for Mario vids and came across this page on Wikipedia. Needless to say vids were forgotten and werent thought about again for some time.

I also came across Nintendo Amusement Park. This is a place where students from ITP created “a real life obstacle course which a player jumps through using a power assist harness” based on the popular Mario series. They call this “Physically Augmented Reality”. I wish I was in NY šŸ™ I want to try this so dearly …

I posted about Ben Mario Piano long time back and it has helped me get a few hits… Here is a reference to it yet again.

Gaming and Flashing at its best !

is a place where you could find the famous Crimson Room and Viridian Room RPGs. I got these games accidently when I was looking for a few flash games online.

The creator of these famous “rooms” – Takagism (I hope I got his name correct) is truely a master of the trade.

He has combined two things that have truely facinated me. Computer Gaming and Creativity. Let me start with the gaming part first. I statred with games very early and statred with Mario, Contra etc. and I still remember playing Tiny Toons at a shop near my place. Then MAC happened and kAgE introduced me to the wonderful world of REAL computer gaming. I had played DOS games like Writer Rabbit and Bricks before but the real gaming started at the cafe near our college and on the LAN between me and kAgE. It was mostly Quake 3 Arena but the important thing was that I got attracted towards it like anything. Then it was Babel where I had a chance to feel the action on the consoles. Amongst them, it was the GBA SP that I thought was the coolest.

Flash – The Macromedia product. I have been using since version 4 and now they are upto version MX. Things have changed. Macromedia as a copmany has given a lot to the internet. There was a time when it was mandatory to have a flash intro for every website. Although things have changed but still the amount of funtionality that can be given to a static page is awesome. Hats off to the creators of this wonderful software.

Coming back to the original rooms… I must admit that I was not able to solve the puzzles but as they say you can find stuff on the internet and I googled my way to glory. Talking of google brings me to another question. Which amongst the Google and Yahoo is better … (Reason is that when I search for my name on both these search engines, on one, I am on the top of the world and on another I am just another jack in the town).

Jigsaw Puzzles

Today, along with a Maggi Super Saver pack, there was this Popeye Jigsaw Puzzle. It was pretty cool. It reminded me of the times when I was in Primary School and how I wanted to have a huge Jigsaw Puzzle and how I wanted to be the fastest puzzle solver.

Ths jigsaw puzzles are believed to have been invented in Eurpoe in early part of the 16th century. People say that the map makers in Europe would paste the maps on card baord and cut them into pieces to help children learn about maps. What started as an educational tool soon developed into a famous past time.

A detailed discussion on the history can be found at http://www.jigsaw-puzzle.org/jigsaw-puzzle-history.html

and http://www.oldpuzzles.com/history.htm.

Few websites that allow you to register for free and play with Jigsaw Puzzles

online are http://www.jigzone.com, http://www.jigsawland.com,

http://www.dltk-kids.com/puzzle.htm, http://www.freejigsawpuzzles.com

and http://www.alljigsawpuzzles.co.uk. These were the top 5 results returned when searched for "Jigsaw Puzzles" on www.Google.com.

So what is it about Jigsaw Puzzles that keeps people fixed to them? I know of a lot of pass time activities, they sound very sound to start with and as time progresses, people seem to loose interest in them. But Jigsaw Puzzles? NO,people donā€™t just leave the puzzles without completing them.

How would Jigsaw Puzzles help someone?

Eye for Detail: I would say that if someone were solving the puzzles for a long time, he would have excellent eye for detail. All the time spent in selecting a piece from a heap of other mixed pieces and trying to put it in a right place, A person would indeed develop the eye for detail. People would, by habit, be very attentive and would look for everything before they make a move.

Team Play: Jigsaw Puzzles can be lot of fun to solve when done in groups. Although I havenā€™t had an opportunity to do it but I would definitely love to do it sometime. I just need to find a few like-minded people. When you are solving a puzzle, you are in a team trying to reach a common goal. A well-defined common goal wherein you try to help your team mates to find a particular piece, a particular part of the picture and gradually the complete picture.


Mario… YES that game from yesteryears wherin you were Super Mario and you were supposed to rescue the princess from the dragon. She was hidden in the castle and you were supposed to go through them and find her.

Today I got a HDD from A.T. and it had a lot of Linkin Park videos and what not. Among other things there was this file called ben_mario_piano.mpg. Since it as in the Games folder and was called Mario, outta curiosity I played it. And it was simply AMAZING. This chap, I guess his name is Ben (since the file is called Ben_Mario_Piano), played the music from the game Mario. WOW. Never seen something so good and nerdy.

If someone is interested in Mario, this file is very highly recommended. The size is about 8 MBs but its worth all of those 8 MBs. The file is loacted at http://homepage.mac.com/mrspleen/.Movies/ben_mario_piano.mpeg.

I should call Mr. Johnson and ask him about Piano. Sounds better than Guitar at times.

Ok this brings back the memories from the game Mario. There were so many secret powerups, and an amazing way to make huge number of lives. It was with the duck. You kill it on the edge of the staircase and jump of its back again n again to gain points and eventually lives. I am still not sure if it was intended by the develpoer (Shigeru Miyamoto) and was a design feature or was it a bug…

I first played Mario when I was in fifth or may be sixth standard on a Nintendo Console. Found it VERY VERY difficult to start with but as time passed by, I got better and better and eventualy one fine day I was able to complete the game and rescue the princess without losing a life. That was some achievenment.

On that very console there were few other games like Contra, Jungle, Excite Bike, Battle City etc. It was fun playing with a controller. Now a days I play with my TVSE Gold and have almost forgotten the feel of a controller. Wish I get that console again to play on…

Links in the post:
1. http://homepage.mac.com/mrspleen/.Movies/ben_mario_piano.mpeg
2. Shigeru Miyamoto

Bugs while typing this peice out were: “n satill amyn secret levels”

UPDATE: Ben Mario Piano on Youtube

Stratagem ’04

Ok, so for the last few days, I was outta Delhi. I went to Kanpur, IIT Kanpur to be precise. They were having their annual tech fest and I went there to participate in Computer gaming event called Stratagem ’04. Until today, I wasnā€™t sure wat was the meaning of the name Startagem and as I was updating BLOG, I looked on dictionary.com and found the real meaning located at http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=stratagem. Nice name I must say.

25th Feb. 04

Today was the day when we were supposed to leave for Kanpur. I got the reservations a day earlier. Me, Ashish Anand and Aditya Takiar were supposed to go to Kanpur. Kunal was already in Luck now and he said he would reach there by himself.

Anyways the day started at around 4 A.M. with me getting ready for leaving to the Railway Station. The train was scheduled to leave at 6:30 A.M. Took an auto from here and shared it with some ass who said that you don’t have to reserve the seats for going to Kanpur. I didnā€™t notice it them when he said it but I realized it later. Ok reached the station at around 6 and called Adi and asked him when heā€™s reaching there. I confirmed the platform the train was arriving on. Adi came at around 6:05 and we went into the station and as usual started hunting for people. Ashish also came soon and we realized the train was about 2 hours late. So we spent those 2 hours playing Chess, Eating and talking about strategies about Q3 and CS.

Ok the wait was finally over and the train arrived. It was a sight of horror to see about 300 Bihari lining up in front of the doors of the coach that was supposed to be reserved for us. Anyways I instantly knew that there was going to be some fight with those unbathed-for-dunno-how-many-days biharis. I finally managed to get hold of the door and I was struck between a lady and her kid and a Bihari. Had to kick and hurt a Bihari in order to help the lady get it. Finally I was in after struggling for 15 minutes. Reached the berth that was supposed to be reserved to me and saw HUGE metal trunks lined up there. Anyways Adi also reached the place and finally when the train was about to move, Ashish also made it. We thanked god that we were alive and started settling. We were amazed to saw how biharis would smoke bidis, won’t bath, spit wherever they fancy, sit anywhere they want. We had to verbally abuse biharis and made sure that we didnā€™t have anyone else seating on our berths. We occupied the top three ones in a compartment. And the best is yet to come; Ashish found out that he has lost his purse when he was trying to board the train. It had around 2000 bucks, his driving license, petro card, college I card etc. We were sad for him and he was looking as if he was given a shock of his life. To my amazement I found out that my wallet was also missing. I mean I am one of those people who would take care of things and be careful but I lost it. I had around 500 odd in there. BAD beginning. We even thought of getting down and returning home. Adi was laughing at all this time. Bloddy Takki. Damn the journey. It was like hell. It was HOT in the train and I had to take my shirt off and all. There were biharis all around me and they were smoking and made journey even more miserable.

Finally we reached Kanpur at around 4 in the evening. As soon as we came outa station, there were about 15 Rickshaw wallas around us asking where we wanted to go and there were few auto wallas that were asking if we wanted to go to IIT etc. They were charging 100 bucks and they said get a “parchi” form Prepaid booth and etc etc. We walked outta station and finally after negotiating a bit we managed to get an auto for just 60 bucks. And I was wondering if auto wallah is ready for 60 bucks, they how come the Sarkaari Prepaid booth is asking for 100 bucks. So we finally boarded the auto and we set off for the IIT.

The roads (if I can have the liberties to call em road) were BAD. As bad as they could get. I don’t remember traveling on as bad roads. I felt like I was dirt biking. The auto driver was I guess on a suicide mission. He would scare the hell outta me every time he overtook any other vehicle. Also I guess it was compulsory for him to abuse every driver he went pass. Was a fun trip. So after around 40 minutes of dirt biking we were there in front of the IIT Gate. Sign of relief.

More to come soon.


Everynight after I have played with and lost badly to kAgE, I think why the hell do I have to play again and again with him to loose yet again… I am not all that bad when it comes to First Person Shooters but kAgE, don’t have words to express. I can make “any” single jump and all kinds of strafe jumps etc. but can’t seem to jump longer than kAgE.

I guess me playing again n again to get better, is about persistance and practising. Failure? as it was one of the topics @ IMS class today, the thoughts are still fresh and I am trying to figure out the positives out of my matches with kAgE. The only one I see could be beating the hell outta others who are not that good players.

Today played Q3DM17 and Pro-Q3DM6 in the two matches combined, I did’nt kill him even once. He had in all two deaths and both of em suicides. He murdered me atleast 70 odd times in two 10 minute tourneys.

Q3Arena – I think all you need to be good in this game is a good rail shot and excellent machine shot. Straetegy and moves can be learnt but aim should be perfect. And it’s NOT easy. I have been playing Q3 for well over two years now and still my machine accuracy is around 10% and my rail accuracy is about 40%.

Will post more stuff later as I should be studying right now cos CAT is just around the corner and I don’t remember a single thing from the course.


Ok, I have been trying to figure out the design for the UBG site that would act as the website for my clan, my gaming company, my SEO company, my web-designing company and my visual components company šŸ˜‰

I talked to Kunal about the colors on the webpage and he is of an opinion that we have browns and grays as the colors. I agree completely to him. According to me, White as a background color in a website sucks big time and there are too many Black websites floating around. So its time for a change. So we have decided upon the colors and all we neeed is a layout. And that I guess is not very difficult to do. I am just tryint to learn PHP and find out some free webhosts that give you free PHP support for the website. Infact as I am writing this, I realized that few of my websites don’t have to be dynamic in nature and can be hosted on brinkster etc.

Still trying to figure out the theme for the websites and will try to give them a corporate look.