Delhi Trip – June 2009

Came back from Delhi last night, took a Go Air flight. Thank fully they have changed their dress code. They no longer wear those black denims and black tees. The ride was bumpy. For some time I thought I was in a train. But anyways, any trip to Delhi is fun and hectic. I stay in one of the remote corners of the city and it takes me forever to reach any other place. Would have easily spent 6 hours everyday on commuting. Not that roads are choked and all, just that distances are bit too much. No wonder I want to stay in a smallish city/town.

Today is PD‘s birthday (similarity with her blog URLs is purely coincidental). Happy Birthday PD. You have been an awesome friend. Wish I could spend more time with you.

So many things happened over the past week. Michael Jackson passed away. Nandan Nilekani left Infosys to take care of the ambitious NID project. And there are some not-so-consequential things that I would want to keep a note of.

  • Attended Sandy’s wedding. Took elaborate notes. Might upload them on the blog sometime.
  • My twitter account (@Saurabh) and sgElectra’s twitter account (@sgElectra) got suspended. I have no clue why would they do it.
  • Met Kunal. Scrapped some ideas for Cyntax. Thought of few new ones. We are back to square one now.
  • Met Vanita and Girish. I know them from MDI JFK. Had interesting discussions. More than discussions, I was confessing and they were being guiding light. Both had differenet opinions to the same problem and both of them merit a thought.
  • Sonali sent this couplet “Anjam-e gulistan kya hoga … Har shaakh pey ullu baithe hain“. I think its very pertinent and apt. Especially in the times we live in. Ayone knows the origin?
  • Neo thinks that hes now a vegetable.
  • I missed the Mensa AGM and an oppurtunity to meet up with other members. I am being lazy in sending my documents and all.

What else?