Thank you, Hemant!

Post 7 of #sg100peopleToThank. More about this series is here.
Thank you, Hemant

Hemant Gupta runs Am Conscious Labs where in his words, “he is working to find synergy in ancient wisdom and modern science and itโ€™s relevance in the current political-economic-social spectrum.” He also runs social experiments like Thank You, India and represents the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute in India.

And he is a friend, advisor, philosopher, guide, client, critic, advocate, vendor and a mentor.

 Hemant is easily one of the top five people that I would want to stay in touch with for the rest of my life.

There are a million things that I want to thank Hemant for. Here is a list, in no order.

  1. Thank you, for giving me an opportunity to work when I needed the word and the money the most. This was when you were working on FIA and you needed a product manager. 
  2. Thank you, for being around as a counsellor when I had to make tough decisions. There are way too many instances to list here. Thank you for your time and attention – two most important (and limited) assets that we humans have! 
  3. Thank you, for teaching me how to be mindful while working, while in relationships, while I am with strangers. And most importantly, when I am with myself. From things as complicated as how to enjoy that glass of water to as simple as maintaining decorum while working, your patience with me has been beyond imagination. 
  4. Thank you for pointing out my flaws in as many words. And thanks to your discourses on mindfulness, I could take your inputs with equanimity and work on those. 
  5. Thank you for your words and puns and buns and rhymes and reasons and two by twos and millions by billions and… ๐Ÿ˜€ 
  6. Thank you for all your daily emails. I learn a new thing each day. 
  7. Thank you for being that bouncing board on which I have shared a few hundred (if not thousands) ideas already. Thank you for all the inputs (even though I may have disagreed with you on a lot of those). And thank you so much for your belief in me and the idea of me. I promise that someday I will increase my hit rate to a number that you would be proud of. 
  8. Thank you for being my advocate and pushing my agenda at places that I would have never been able to reach by myself. Thank you for recommending me and introducing me to so many interesting people. I believe in the power of loose connections and you have been instrumental in helping me create so many of these! 
Hemant, as I end this, heartfelt thank you for all that you’ve done for me. I wish you the best for all your meandering and research and mission. As a soldier, I stand by you and I am available for you anytime you may need me. 
And like you like to say, blissfully, I remain. 
Others posts in this series: 12345, 6 

PS: When I started this project, I thought I would write one note every day. And did exactly that for the first 6 days. I missed writing and posting on Sunday. I don’t have an excuse. I got lazy. Will try to not miss this again. Thanks for reading!