I’m a Mensan!

About a month ago I took an administered Mensa test. It took 20 mins of test and a month’s wait to get the results. And I am through. I am now a Mensan. I still have to complete the formalities of joining it and paying for the membership.

Most people I told this, dint even know what Mensa is. And then the few who know about it, asked, what I am going to do with it.

To be honest, I dont know what lies ahead. I asked the only other Mensan I know – Raunak (23, blog, Mensa member since 1999, part of Mumbai Value Investors club). He tells me that Mensa is a very close knit community of gifted people. They meet very often (almost once a month) and most meetings are lot of fun. Lot of mental masterbation happens. Lot of gyaan is exchanged. Lot of new things get uncovered, invented and discovered.

Of all things mentioned, I am most excited about meeting these gifted people. And discover amazing talents they bring to the table. Lets see how it goes. As they say, its just the beginning.

Unrelated Rant
Everytime I am listening to music and oblivious to sound around me, I enter a different world. I zoom out (zoom out as in zoom in and zoom out and look at a situation). I see people around me engaged in things that are important to them. Things I can never relate to.

And come to think of it I needed affirmation from a test to make me happy and feel good about myself. Now this has to change. And soon.