Is Warren Buffet wrong about newspapers?

Warren Buffet has always been critical of the newspaper industry. Oen of his all the famous quotes is

every time an elderly person dies, newspapers lose a reader they will never get back

He is of the opinion that newspaper as an industry thrives on revenues from advertisements and with competition and alternative access modes of information, these revenues would fall.

According to this latest article on PSFK,

the paper’s online advertising revenue is now sufficient to cover the cost of the LA Times’s editorial team – for both print and online.

May be its time to revisit few predictions. Could Warren Buffet be proved wrong by the New Media?

P.S.: Another article by Seth Godin on future of Newspapers.

UX Pioneers: An Interview with Seth Godin

Yet Another Seth Godin interview.

In his own words, Seth says

Tamara recently interviewed me for UXPioneers. The only reason I agreed to consider it was that a good friend introduced us. Then I read her other interviews and realized that this woman had figured out how to create a very different kind of interview. It was a lot of fun. More relevant, as a reader, is that I actually learned something from reading the other interviews she had done.

I guess this is what happens if you ignore press releases, don’t have a traditional editor and aren’t trying to appeal to the largest possible audience segment. Either that or if you’re a good interviewer.

Link: UX Pioneers: An Interview with Seth Godin