The New

One of the things for Feb, apart from the list that I made a few days, I would redesign So far its just a blurb but eventually it would reflect who I am and what I do. It would have links to my posts, my writings, my observations, projects and other such things. And it would be something that someone could goto and get a birds eye view about me in one glance. And then once they are there, they could get details, if they desire to.

I have a design idea in my head. Lets see how it translates into action.

Hastags for Feb 2013

Here is a long list of things that I’d do in Feb 2013.

#running – because I will take this up as a serious hobby. Thanks to @GurgaonCynic and Raj Sharma for inspiration. And thanks to Mrs. Neo and the bglsr team for the push.

#bridge – I shall try and learn a new card game apart from poker. Thanks to Arpit for the invite. While I talk about Bridge, I may goto Goa to participate in some poker tournament as well. After all poker remains a long term objective 
#writing – I will finish Ghanta Ghar. If I do, I’d blame it on @Anaggh for the idea. And @Suds for inspiration. 
#gravity – work. Would you know of someone who may need a vendor for marketing support services? 
Thats about it. Four things. In this new year (#sg2013) I shall try and do small things, rather than plan for grandiose mansions and then not even put a brick in place.