
So this is a long list of things that I hope I can achieve in life. I may or may not have the talent, skill, determination, energy, time et al for these but I would love to do these. And no, not to be confused with the bucket list.

  1. Write something as amazing as Hoshwalon Ko Khabar Kya. Here is a sample. And Write something as cool as Lag Ja Gale. Here. Basically write well. So well that junta wants to sing em. So well that it moves people.
  2. Get 10K followers on twitter. As of today, I have 2400 odd followers. 
  3. Travel only business class. 
  4. May be climb the Everest! (update: I aim to do this by 2025).
  5. Spot a page 3 celeb reading one of my books. 
  6. Date a supermodel.
  7. Make a Fucket List. And do things on it. Yes, with an F. 

More as I go along.

P.S.: For the uninitiated, bucket list is where I get serious about things. #lifeGoals is more about vanity. 

Wishlist / Bucket List

I was talking to a friend and I realized that I dont have one single wishlist. I have blogged about my todo’s in past (here, here, here)

Here is my wishlist (aka the bucket list)

  1. Get a Royal Enfield Bullet Electra. (Got in Apr 2009)
  2. Get a Sony PSP. (Got it in Mar 2008)
  3. Buy an iPod. (Got it in Aug 2006 and donated it to my sis in Dec 2008)
  4. Publish at least one book. (Done. The Nidhi Kapoor Story in Oct / Nov 2014)
  5. Preferably a travel book.
  6. Teach. (Done. At EMDI. Two courses. On marketing and planning. Aug / Sep 2014)
  7. Bunjee Jump. (Jumped off Macau Tower in May 2010)
  8. Bike from Kanyakumari to Leh.
  9. And from Rann of Kutch to Arunachal Pradesh.
  10. Visit places in my Travel WishList. Visit 1000 cities across the world. 
  11. Win a WSOP bracelet. 
  12. Run a Marathon in less than 4 hours. 

Funny how I have want so many materialistic things in life!

Update. The initial list had 10 items. The first ten. Added more as I went along.

Last updated on 16 Sep 2016