The last few days…

Hola amigos! Wassup?
No, I am not learning French. Or whatever that language is. I just wanted to change the salutation that I use to start a post with. You know, its getting boring with these numbers. Wait. What number is it today? 47 I think. 
So, here’s the thing. When we started with this lockdown, I thought that I’d be able to manage the solitude, the ambiguity, the distance from all the things that I love (no, I am not missing people, to be honest), and all that. And I think I was ready to brave the break. And honestly, it did work well. Till the last couple of days. Or may be three. Not sure. But as we speak, I know I can feel the effect of this lockdown. I need to step out. And I will probably try an outing tomorrow. 
But before that, since this is something that is affecting my head, I need to find a way to fix it. Afterall, I am a padha likha samajhdaar aadmi na! So, I am going to subject myself to shit that I recommend to others. 
Here’s my self-diagnosis. 
A. Are you working out? 
No, I am not. I was, till about three days. No no, my workout do not mean that I go gymming. But I do try and walk about 10000 steps every day. 
B. Are you aiming for a goal at the beginning of each day? You know, making meaning outta your life? 
Most days yes. 
Last few days, no. 
C. Is it work that is affecting your sanity?
Nope. There is no work. 
Events đŸ™‚
D. Did you have an argument with your loved ones? Significant others? 
Nah. The ones that I care for, they are ok. I am talking to them ok. 
The ones that I want to care for, not fought with them either. So that’s cool. 
E. Are you eating well?
No I am not. Not at all. In fact, am eating more crap than ever. In the last three days, I’ve had popcorn, paranthas, chole bhature, samosas, Maggi and I don’t know how much bread. Pots and pots of coffee. And thankfully, no diet coke. Phew. Need to cut it. Need to get back to IF. I thnk how I ate over the last few days reflect how I feel. And how I feel affects how I eat. It is so connected! 
F. Is it a one-time thing? An isolated incident? Or has it been happening regularly over the last few days?
I think its a one-off. I have been pretty much ok if I ignore the last few days! 
G. Ok. Do freewriting about things that are creating the muck in your head? 
Ok. This will be tough. Quite a few things. For starters, I am not sure where am I headed in terms of my career. In the sense, there are a million things that I work on and none of those make either the impact or the money. And I am not sure how long can I keep going without a tangible output. I like results, you know. 
Plus the moves that I’d made, investments that I’d made in people and ideas and projects seem to be sliding away. And this is not new. I have fucked up in the past as well. To a point that I’ve questioned my very identity. But back then, when things went south in the past, I have been ok with those. I am mostly ok with maintaining a stoic distance. 
Also, I am an ageist. I am past my useful age. I’ve mostly been vocal about my age and the urgency with which I need to work. This lockdown and the disappearance of work has made me ponder if I were slow all this while! Do I need to fast forward and put more pressure? On myself? On the people that I work with? Do I need to work harder? Or do I merely wait for life to pass by and remain a “potential”? I mean I am done with 3/4th of my life. And COVID is making it apparent that life is uncertain (not that I did not know this prior to the crisis). So, do I just wait and die an anonymous death? Or do I try and make some movement happen? And go out and try to make that dent. Of course, these dents are meaningless in the large scheme of things but I am human. I want to be able to get others to do more with their lives. I am after all supposed to represent the idea of opportunity. I mean I was to be that outsider that hustled hard to do the impossible and while he was on the journey, inspired others, created opportunities for everyone around him, and ultimately made the world a better place! 
Ok, these were large issues. Simple things like ticking things off a checklist are not happening. I have not moved an inch on my book, leave alone other projects. I am not sure what is it that I am struggling with. 
Apart from these, I am of course fucked about the money situation but then that’s ok. It will be ok. Someday. Hopefully, sooner. 
Rest I dont know. 
H. Do you feel good now that you have poured your emotions out? 
No! Maybe I will be once I wake up tomorrow. May be I need to take a break tomorrow? 
I. Anything else?
This looks like one of those freak times. 
That’s about it for the time being. 
So, that was self-diagnosis. 
Not sure if it was any use. 
I mean I did get a post going out on the day – that in itself is the reward đŸ™‚ 
Chalo, over and out. 
Oh, and please do note that this is NOT a plea for help. 
NO, I am not down and out. 
And YES, I will be back. 
I think I am just missing Diet Coke ;P 
Chalo, till next time. 

Previous posts that I wrote during the lockdown are – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 19, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 45

Dear Sudhanshu

Dear Sudhanshu,

Congratulations on the launch of your first book. I am sure this is just one of many you would end up writing. You have to. The world needs you to write and see things from your lens.

Coming to the real reason why I am writing to you. You already know I have always considered myself lucky that I have known you. There are so many things that I think are common between you and me, such as … wait, before this turns into a love letter, let me cut the flow and come straight to the point. I have known about your book since 2010 (remember that goals thingy that you made?) and to be honest I never thought you could actually finish the book. Till you told me that you have found a publisher and you proved me wrong. And that was big. More than you, I was happy for myself. It was like an affirmation to me that there’s hope. That all’s not lost! If you can do something, I can do too. And of course I have no qualms in being a follower and aping you.

Thanks to The Lost Story, Serai will now be fast tracked. I have been at it for about 29 years now and I know am not half good a writer as you are but then what the heck, I have been wanting to write this for a long time and its time I take it up seriously. You’ve given me inspiration. You’ve given me hope. You’ve shown me the way. You can even connect me with a publisher who would be willing to publish a book for me!

And ya, that’s about it. Like I said, love letters are reserved for sgMS. In the end, congrats once again for the launch and please know that you are now in the same league as that sardaar that changed me life.


P.S.: When am I getting my autographed copy of The Lost Story? And no, this blogpost is NOT an elaborate and contrived way to get a free copy. Divin0‘s already ordered a copy for me. That too COD.

The Lost Story

Suds, my classmate from MDI, has done it again. He did something that I have always wanted to do. Write AND publish a book.

He wrote a book and its gonna be out in a few weeks! Called The Lost Story, he has co-authored it with yet another MDI dude, Amit Goyal. I dont really know Amit that well but if Suds has put his name on the book, it has to be awesome. 

I have read a couple of chapters and its gripping to say the least. I have done everything in my powers to get Suds to send me the rest of the chapters but so far he hasn’t shown any inclination. Its like grass. You have some and then you are going to keep having it over and over and over again. You wont stop. You wouldn’t want it to end!

It is different. Not just for the sake of saying it, it actually is. To start with, its not a love story. And its not a boy chasing kites. And its not about those mushy love letters that a lot of people (including me) write. And its not about two college kids with dreams and ideas about changing the world! For the want of better language skills, this is what the back cover says…

Sandy, an aspiring young writer gets an incredible opportunity to work
with his idol – the celebrated and reclusive author Saleem Afzal – who
hasn’t written a new book in 23 years.

In a novel idea, each
writer writes one half of the story, leaving it for the other to finish.
Together, they imagine an epic battle between balance and chaos, a tale
of a haunted house, a simple journey home that turns into a man’s
greatest nightmare, and even the end of the world.

As the
stories take shape, Sandy gets curious about Saleem’s past and the
several unanswered questions that he encounters… Why did Saleem stop
writing? Why can he no longer finish stories? What is behind the locked
door in his house? And… what is The Lost Story?

Written like the
premise, the stories in this book have each been done in two halves.
One part by one author, and the second by the other, never discussing
the story in between.

Of course, you have to read it. Here are the links for easy access. Pre oder on Flipkart and the Facebook fan page.

Please show some love by preodering it on Flipkart. And no I am not being paid for this. I may get an autographed copy for posting this but knowing how popular Mr. Gupta is, I am not sure if I can get dates from him!

Wait, here is a deal. If you actually read this and preorder it, I can ask Suds and Amit to give you guys a signed copy and a poster of the book cover. Just let me know. Not kidding. Suds can you please endorse this claim?